Community Training

Your Nearest Defib in Wales

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How Mumbles, Swansea, became the UK’s first “Defib Friendly” community, in five simple steps:
- A small working party was formed from the community.
- They understood where the current 24 hour and non 24 hour defibrillators were, then identified where new units were needed.
- A budget was established to purchase these new units, signage and other items. Fund-raising started through various means.
- With funds raised, defibrillators, signage, stickers, information boards were purchased and installed.
- 16 community training sessions and a social media campaign was held to inform all levels of the community and repeated six months later.
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Our Partners
British Heart Foundation (Wales)
NHS ABU Public Health
St John Cymru-Wales
Swansea University Medical School Swansea Bay Health Board
Zoll Medical
City & County of Swansea
Neath Port Talbot CBC
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
A Community Approach
With timely defibrillator intervention there is the opportunity to raise the survival rate up to 75%. Therefore, we need to optimise what already exists within the community by:
In 6 Simple Steps:
- Wherever possible, moving defibrillators ‘hidden’ within buildings outside to make them 24-hour public accessible (cost could be met by the Charity).
- Encouraging owners of privately held defibrillators to publicise their defibrillator by placing external signage, thereby allowing public usage.
- Engaging with traders and retailers and encouraging them to place window stickers which will provide directions to the nearest located defibrillator.
Installing community signage (e.g., on lamp posts) to provide directions and distance to nearest located defibrillator.
Identifying ‘Champions’ from the community to promote the use of defibrillators and to help monitor signage and located defibrillators.
Conduct regular community training sessions in the use of CPR and defibrillation, free of charge.