
Purchasing Defibrillators

Purchasing Defibrillators from Heartbeat Trust UK:

Heartbeat Trust UK is an offical business partner of Zoll Medical UK.  

Zoll is the global market leader in the development, manufacture and support of this life saving equipment.  

Heartbeat Trust UK is very honoured to be chosen by Zoll to help distribute and educate the general public across the UK.

We offer competitive packages for communities, schools and workplaces to install, train and maintain defibrillators, for effect use when  called upon.  This package includes a defibrillator, cabinet, signage, a training session, 10 year warranty and insurance for your peace of mind. 

Below are the two most packages available:

Option 1:

Zoll Plus Defibrillator

Outdoor Heated Lockable Cabinet

Carrying Case

Adult Sized Pads

Accessory Pack

A3 Information Board

Triangular Wall Sign

Price £1550.00

Option 2:

Zoll 3 Defibrillator

Outdoor Heated Lockable Cabinet

Adult and Paediatric Sized Pads

Accessory Pack

A3 Information Board

Triangular Wall Sign

Price £1950.00

Fully insured carriage will be charged at cost and agreed beforehand

Due to our charitable status VAT is not charged. 

Fundraising Reculator

Registered Charity 1185996